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Writers spend a lot of time sitting at a computer in their pajamas. That’s one of my favorite parts of the job, but it doesn’t make for an exciting biography. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of random fun facts. For the boring stuff, click here for the PRESS KIT.



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  1. Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret, by Judy Blume, is my favorite kids’ book.

  2. In 6th grade, I had short hair and was regularly mistaken for my brother.

  3. When I lived in Florida, I caught lizards and let them clamp on my earlobes.

  4. At 13, I had a massive crush on Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi and hung the movie poster on the back of my door.

  5. I worked several jobs as a teenager: cashier at Wendy’s, hostess at a Mexican restaurant, babysitter, and summer camp counselor.

  6. At the end of my senior year, a teacher persuaded me to enter a writing contest. I won $1,500, enough for a prom dress and part of my college tuition.

  7. I had a freaky experience with a Ouija board and to this day, won’t go near one.

  8. The most famous people I've met are Mister Rogers and Brett Favre.

  9. I can whistle Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” and the theme to The Andy Griffith Show.

  10. We own a crested gecko named Bilbo, guinea pig named Beans, and Great Dane named Biggs.

  11. Without realizing it, I’ll sing the same line of a song, over and over, and over and over, and over and over…

  12. Because redheads are going extinct (according to the internet), I include one in all of my novels.

  13. I broke my nose 4 ½ times.  

  14. My family watches Elf and Groundhog Day every year.

  15. My favorite writing quote of all-time is from Joss Whedon, writer-director of The Avengers: “Make it dark, make it grim, make it rough, but then, for the love of God, tell a joke." 


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