Jan. - Dec. 2022
Writer's Café
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (second Monday of each month)
Hosted by the Oconomowoc Public Library
Ages 12-18, registration required. For more information, visit
Sharpen your wits, words, and writing skills with other teen authors and local author, Kerry Hansen! Meet over beverages provided by the Library, share your writing, and support each other through writer's block.
Nov. 6, 2021
Virtual Workshop
10:00 am - 11:30 am (includes writing exercises and Q&A)
Hosted by SCBWI-MI, Farmington Hills
You must be an SCBWI member to attend. For more information, visit https://wisconsin.SCBWI.org
Gotcha!: How to Catch a Three-Year-Old Reader
Story time with a group of three-year-olds can be like wrangling puppies. Instead of sitting still, they may wrestle or chew the DUPLO blocks. As a preschool teacher for eight years, Kerry Hansen made it her mission to find picture books that captivate squirmy audiences. Over time, she determined which traits most appeal to this age group and discovered they win over older readers as well. Using over 60 mentor texts as examples, she'll dive deep into these characteristics so you can write picture books that’ll catch the attention of three-year-olds and beyond.
Sept. - Dec. 2021
Writer's Café
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (second Monday of each month)
Hosted by the Oconomowoc Public Library
Ages 12-18, registration required. For more information, visit
Sharpen your wits, words, and writing skills with other teen authors and local author, Kerry Hansen! Meet over beverages provided by the Library, share your writing, and support each other through writer's block.
July 1, 2021
In-Person Workshop
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Hosted by the Oconomowoc Public Library
Ages 12-18, registration required. For more information, visit https://oconomowoclibrary.libcal.com/event/7747874
Camp NaNoWriMo Kickoff
Hey, writers! Kick off Camp NaNoWriMo with a fun, supportive writers' workshop and meetup. Set your own creative goal, work on any writing project, and do it with friends. The kickoff gives you a chance to workshop your project ideas with other writers, including local author and UWM writing instructor, Kerry Hansen.
Feb. 9, 2021
Virtual Presentation
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (includes Q&A)
Hosted by SCBWI-WI, SE Region
You must be an SCBWI member to attend. For more information, visit https://wisconsin.SCBWI.org
Gotcha!: How to Catch a Three-Year-Old Reader
Story time with a group of three-year-olds can be like wrangling puppies. Instead of sitting still, they may wrestle or chew the DUPLO blocks. As a preschool teacher for eight years, Kerry Hansen made it her mission to find picture books that captivate squirmy audiences. Over time, she determined which traits most appeal to this age group and discovered they win over older readers as well. Using over 60 mentor texts as examples, she'll dive deep into these characteristics so you can write picture books that’ll catch the attention of three-year-olds and beyond.